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 ~ Sometimes it rains ~

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2 participants
Grand posteur

Nombre de messages : 151
Age : 38
Localisation : Saint-Lô (Manche)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2006

~ Sometimes it rains ~ Empty
MessageSujet: ~ Sometimes it rains ~   ~ Sometimes it rains ~ EmptyDim 9 Juil - 4:06

I love you I love you Voicie les paroles de la nouvelle song de David Charvet... I love you I love you

You been thirsty for a change
A change in the weather
Walked this rocky terrain
'Til your heart is tough as leather

And there's no sign in the sky above you
That anonyme's gonna come and love you
And take away your heartache and your pain

But sometimes it rains
Sometimes it poors
Sometimes an angel come knocking on your door
Though it's hard to tell
Through a long dry spell
That the clouds above are ever gonna break
But sometimes it rains

You've been prayin'for a miracle
A miracle to save you
You've been wishin' your heart was full
Or the faith that God gave you

A flash of light and a roll of thunder
Fill yours eyes and your ears with wonder
And give your heart the strength to try again

But sometimes it rains
Sometimes it poors
Sometimes an angel come knocking on your door
Though it's hard to tell
Through a long dry spell
That the clouds above are ever gonna break
But sometimes it rains

Let it flood the valley of your need
And give you back a reason to believe

Through it's hard to tell
Through a long dry spell
That the clouds above are ever gonna break

But sometimes it rains
Sometimes it poors
Sometimes an angel come knocking on your door
Though it's hard to tell
Through a long dry spell
That the clouds above are ever gonna break
But sometimes it rains
Sometimes it rains
Sometimes it rains
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Nombre de messages : 271
Date d'inscription : 16/06/2006

~ Sometimes it rains ~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ~ Sometimes it rains ~   ~ Sometimes it rains ~ EmptyDim 9 Juil - 4:27

Merci Aurélie ! je comprends assez bien les paroles, mais pas tout dans les détails ! lol Rolling Eyes
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Grand posteur

Nombre de messages : 151
Age : 38
Localisation : Saint-Lô (Manche)
Date d'inscription : 27/06/2006

~ Sometimes it rains ~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ~ Sometimes it rains ~   ~ Sometimes it rains ~ EmptyLun 10 Juil - 11:06

ba moi je comprends rien justement a part le parfois il pleut mdr
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~ Sometimes it rains ~ Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ~ Sometimes it rains ~   ~ Sometimes it rains ~ Empty

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~ Sometimes it rains ~
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